Platform Explorer / Nuxeo Platform LTS 2017 9.10

Contribution org.nuxeo.easyshare.jsf.resources.contrib--widgettypes

This contribution is part of XML component org.nuxeo.easyshare.jsf.resources.contrib inside nuxeo-easyshare-jsf-9.10.jar /OSGI-INF/easyshare-contrib.xml


Widget types declared in studio

Extension Point

Extension point widgettypes of component WebLayoutManager.

Contributed Items

  • <widgetType name="studio_header">
         The header widget just displays the widget label.
         <layouts mode="any">
          <layout name="studio_header_widget_type_properties_any">
           <widget name="styleClass" type="text">
             <label mode="any">Style class</label>
           <widget name="style" type="text">
             <label mode="any">Style</label>
       <property name="template">

    The header widget just displays the widget label.

  • <widgetType name="filesList">
          The Files displays an editable list of files, using javascript to
          keep the uploaded file path when adding several files in a row.
         <p>Items are defined using sub wigdets configuration.</p>
          This is actually a template widget type whose template uses a
          &lt;nxu:inputList /&gt; tag in edit or create mode, and a table
          iterating over items in other modes.
         <layouts mode="edit">
          <layout name="list_widget_type_properties_edit">
           <widget name="required" type="checkbox">
             <label mode="any">Required</label>
           <widget name="diff" type="checkbox">
             <label mode="any">Diff</label>
       <property name="template">/widgets/files_list_widget_template.xhtml

XML Source

<extension point="widgettypes" target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.forms.layout.WebLayoutManager">

  <documentation>Widget types declared in studio</documentation>

  <widgetType name="studio_header">



     The header widget just displays the widget label.

















     <layouts mode="any">

      <layout name="studio_header_widget_type_properties_any">









       <widget name="styleClass" type="text">


         <label mode="any">Style class</label>






       <widget name="style" type="text">


         <label mode="any">Style</label>











   <property name="template">


  <widgetType name="filesList">




      The Files displays an editable list of files, using javascript to
      keep the uploaded file path when adding several files in a row.

     <p>Items are defined using sub wigdets configuration.</p>

      This is actually a template widget type whose template uses a
      &lt;nxu:inputList /&gt; tag in edit or create mode, and a table
      iterating over items in other modes.






















     <layouts mode="edit">

      <layout name="list_widget_type_properties_edit">









       <widget name="required" type="checkbox">


         <label mode="any">Required</label>






       <widget name="diff" type="checkbox">


         <label mode="any">Diff</label>











   <property name="template">/widgets/files_list_widget_template.xhtml

